Pharmsynthez Company is an innovative production company operating its own working capital and it has been very successful in the market in recent years.
The Company, unlike the majority of pharmaceutical production companies in Russia, adheres to international business standards, and having a modern high-tech pharmaceutical substances production facility, we place production orders for officinal medicines on the nation-best facilities and always fulfill our contractual obligations for production services..
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) Manufacture
Flexible technological process flows have been known since the 80s and are widely implemented for bioactive compounds production throughout the world. However, the share of such enterprises is not large, the reason for this being that rapid readjustment of technological lines for production of a different type of chemical requires considerable capital investment into highly specialized equipment – mobile processing modules with standard connectors, a sort of “meccano” for assembly of a variety of technological processes.
Such a system’s disadvantage is extensive idle equipment inventory and the necessity of storing it which to a certain extent contradicts the flexibility concept of having optimum equipment available.
In research and manufacturing complex settings, process flow flexibility is ensured by unification of as many reproductible technological processes as possible for basic equipment modules.
Each of the 10 reactors with capacity of 63 to 250 litres is capable of performing manufacturing operations that are similar in many chemical processes.
The final manufacturing stages are performed on interchangeable equipment modules enabling one to synthesize high-purity solid-phase substances.
Research and production complex manufacturability is ensured by usage of state-of-the-art equipment being controlled and managed by a unified automated control system, with variable parameters local terminals located in reactor halls.
Therefore, there are ample opportunities for precision fine tuning of the manufacturing process parametres to provide the combination of high yield with excellent quality of the final product.
A unique heat-exchanging processes system allows chemical conversion under temperature ranging from (-10 ÷ +150)0С to be effected in the same apparatuses. The heat-exchanging system also enables the regeneration and return to production cycle of up to 80% of the raw materials – solvents, volatile flammable liquids.
Both primary and ancillary equipment is made of chemicals and heat-resistant glass and high quality alloy corrosion-proof steel.
An incoming conditioned air two-stage treatment system comprised of two separate air ducts for production and laboratory premises enables air recirculation and provides for 20 cycles of air exchange a day.
Primary equipment is provided with the so-called “nitric breathing” in order to exclude contact with the oxidizing effect of working zone air, in addition, working nitrogen is used for displacement processes.
All this coupled together lets all kinds of chemicals – from volatile inflammable liquids to deleterious substances – be used in technological processes and perform numerous and diverse manufacturing operations.
Manufacturing equipment is mounted based on gravity flow, on three levels. A relatively small number of basic primary apparatuses used in manufacturing compactly occupy the area of 600s.m.
Within the years 2003 and 2004 Pharmsynthez Company proactively developed contacts with external customers aiming at a production output increase in its all facilities – laboratory, experimental and full-scope production. The outcome was the conclusion of supply contracts with both domestic and foreign customers.
In 2005 the interest of bioactive substances producers in the unique possibilities of the research and production complex grew immensely, which lead to five-fold growth of production volumes manufactured for external customers versus Farmsintez’s own programme of producing 4 original API preparations.